Shine Like Stars

Shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the Word of life (Phil. 2:15)
We're not trying to be rock stars but just shed some light on a sad and lonely world. Stay tuned for how God works through weak and tired, sometimes really cranky vessels.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Gothro Vacation

We just recently returned from our vacation with the Gothro gang in Laurel Highlands, PA. It was so much fun for the kids to play together. The kids are all so close in age and get along so well with each other.
We went to Ohiopyle State Park one day. There is a natural waterslide there and many in the fam braved it. I was not one of them, but my boys were...yikes
I really enjoyed the waterfall that we hung out at after the scary waterslide.

Addie didn't enjoy the week very much. She was recuping from being sick last week and now she's teething. So she didn't sleep well and was very cranky, which is unusual for her.

All in all, it was good times!

So, this video makes me look a bad mom for letting him do it. He really wanted to and Ethan, Caleb, and Naomi had already done it. My sound effects are crazy:)


  1. I'm sure that the repeated "OH MY GOSH"'s were super helpful. My kids watched the videos on dropshots and were like "I don't think I'd take a little kid on that water fall.". "That looks dangerous."

    -- at first I couldn't tell if Michael was holding him or if it was Natie alone. I was going to really question you at that point.

  2. Holy cow. I don't think I would have limited my wrods to Oh my gosh! Ha! You are braver or crazier than I am. ;o) Ha-ha!
