Shine Like Stars

Shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the Word of life (Phil. 2:15)
We're not trying to be rock stars but just shed some light on a sad and lonely world. Stay tuned for how God works through weak and tired, sometimes really cranky vessels.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Caleb's Debut

Ever since we saw Pippi Longstocking a few months ago, Caleb has been asking to be in a play.  My parents signed him up for an acting class at the rec center for his birthday.  He really enjoyed it and even though he complained sometimes about going to practice it was really a great program.  So after 2 months of weekly practices they were ready for their performance--
Food Glorious Food


Waiting for the big show to start....

Lots of cute singing about food.

Caleb recited Shel Silverstein's "My Beard"

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