Shine Like Stars

Shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the Word of life (Phil. 2:15)
We're not trying to be rock stars but just shed some light on a sad and lonely world. Stay tuned for how God works through weak and tired, sometimes really cranky vessels.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help for Haiti

Crystal from Money Saving Mom had an incredible idea about raising money for Haiti and I'm joining her! I'm not a famous blogger like her but I'm heartbroken over the devastation in Haiti and feel the need to 'do' something.

So here's the deal...

If you are reading this and you have a blog....please take action and donate to an organization helping in Haiti. Then come back to my blog and leave your link on Mr. Linky.

For each link I get Michael and I will donate $2.00 to World Wide Village.

For those of you who don't have a can still be a part. You can donate to the Red Cross by texting the word "haiti" to 90999.
Leave a comment and let us know you did this and we will donate $1.00 to the Red Cross for each comment that comes in.

Let's help!!!

We need to pray, pray, pray for the people of Haiti and give, give, give!

Michael and I have been amazed over the past year at how the Lord has provided financially for our adoption. He's faithful to take care of us when we give to others. I've experienced it firsthand. He's an awesome God!


  1. I gave to Compassion International and the Red Cross. Thanks for doing this!

  2. As I go through the blogosphere today, I amazed at the generous and concerned people I find. Praise the Lord!
    Our family is sending up prayers to the One who can do the most!!
    Our church also took and sent contributions in.
    My heart breaks especially for the little ones affected. We truly are blessed and I am thankful that we are able to bless others in return!

  3. Thank you for doing this. My husband and I donated through Samaritan's Purse.

  4. Thank you! I donated to the Red Cross.

  5. Due to our financial situation, I am visiting as many blogs as possible and commenting to help raise donations. Bless you for not only helping but providing a way for everyone to help too!

  6. We've donated to Red Cross and I'm visiting lots of similar blogs tonight. Thank you for your generosity and kindness!

  7. My husband is a Haitian American, and we are devastated by this disaster.
    I appreicate all you do and keeping people in Haiti in your prayers. We donated to Red Cross and Direct Relief International. We are also planning on donating to other organizations as well. Again, thank you for your help.

  8. We donated 50 dollars to Redcross.

  9. My family donated to Samaritan's Purse.

  10. I'm giving to the Red Cross and the LDS Church. Thanks for doing this!

  11. We donated to Catholic Relief Services which goes directly to Haiti, and my 6 year old son wants to donate the charity portion of his allowance to Haiti. God bless you, you're doing a great thing!

  12. We gave $10 through CrossWorld International and are praying.

  13. God Bless you for this effort!!! It doesn't matter which of us the money comes from or what organization provides the help as long as it comes!!! Our adoption advocacy ministry has brought in approximately $350 so far. There are links from my blog and our site for other bloggers that are missionaries in Haiti that we are friends with and work with on missions there. So, not only are we bystanders praying for Haiti we have a vested personal interest with the family friends and loved ones there, American and Haitian. Thank you for doing your part!!!

  14. What a wonderful thing you are doing. I pray for all the Haiti People.
