Shine Like Stars

Shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the Word of life (Phil. 2:15)
We're not trying to be rock stars but just shed some light on a sad and lonely world. Stay tuned for how God works through weak and tired, sometimes really cranky vessels.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Orientation Call--Completed, Financial Stress--Begins

We had our Orientation call today. It went well and we are so excited about starting the process.

I must say I'm overwhelmed with the financial aspect. When we started looking for agencies in March we really like AGCI. After researching it a bit we were pretty much sold on it. One of our only issues with it is that so much money is due at the beginning. Much time passed from the time we decided to go with AGCI and we sent our application in on June 25. During the call today we realized that we don't have all the money we need to fully start the process. In order to start our dossier we need to have a huge chunk mulah. We need this money within 3 months of our application so we don't have to pay another processing fee. So here's the time to exercise that faith that I was talking about...much easier said than done. We are hoping to be able to come up the money before the end of September. At this point my head is swimming with jumbled info that I'm sure will all be figured out.

So the plan is to get the homestudy done, then apply for grants and loans.
My goal mentally is to keep from stressing about being broke and how to come up with money and trust the Lord will complete what He has started in our hearts. That's a real challenge for me. I'm feeling a little stressed at this moment:(

1 comment:

  1. OH BIG HUGS!!! Someone suggested a golf outing for a fundraising idea. Have you thought of any great fundraisers? You could also see if people would donate things for a huge yard sale! Praying for your heart right now!!
