Shine Like Stars

Shine like stars in the universe as we hold out the Word of life (Phil. 2:15)
We're not trying to be rock stars but just shed some light on a sad and lonely world. Stay tuned for how God works through weak and tired, sometimes really cranky vessels.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

We Have A Court Date!!

I couldn't believe it today when Christy (our caseworker) called and said we have a court date and it's really soon.....October 30th.

I do this thing where I set my expectations really low so that I won't be disappointed. I know it sounds like a bad thing but it helps me get by so I go with it. Anyway, I came to the conclusion this week that Melia probably wouldn't be home with us by Christmas. I had no facts to back up this conclusion just trying to prepare myself for the worst. While I was talking to my dear friend, Missy, about this earlier this week I came up with a plan to leave the state for Christmas because I wouldn't be able to deal with being home for Christmas if Melia wasn't going to be either. I know, I're probably thinking, she's crazy it's not even November yet and she's thinking about Christmas. And you're right I'm crazy but, it's hard having a baby on the other side of the world.

So, with that in mind finding out that our court date is next Friday was a complete shocker to me. I was crying and shaking and worried that I'd get in a car accident. I'm really happy.

I'm also really worn out from Michael's soccer season and the craziness that goes with it. Late game last party tonight, having to run around all afternoon after BSF getting the supplies for the party.....Now I'm rambling.

Anyway, I'm shocked and excited about our court date. Please pray that we pass!


  1. That is amazing...and we are praying for great news for you soon about that court date :)

  2. That is awesome!! I am so excited that you have a court date in just 1 week!!! That seems so fast!! Hoping you get to travel before christmas!!

  3. PS: we do the low expectations thing too. We call it..."Low Expectations, High JOY!". It's not a bad thing!

  4. Congratulations!! So much court date excitement today. We received our date as well on 11/2. Praying everyone passes and we can all make it to ET before Christmas to put these little ones under the tree. And I am right there with you on the low expectations philosophy. :)

  5. WOW! I can't believe your court date is like...NEXT WEEK! Oh my goodness! That is SOOO exciting! Praying for a go ahead and even a quick travel date! YAY! And you do what I do too...exactly what our home study lady said to say over and over to ourselves "Expect the worst but hope for the best"! AWESOME that you got the best!!!

  6. So excited for you Gothros!! So glad its THIS MONTH!!!

  7. very exciting news!!!! congrats!!!

  8. I am amazed that your cdourt date is NEXT week!! That's wonderful!! I do the same thing- to not my hope hopes up, and feel deflated. It works for me, too! its a good coping mechanism. :) C'mon, Oct 30!!

  9. Congrats on a court date!!!! We are praying for you!
